URL: https://api.stringeex.com/v1/contact
HTTP method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Custom HTTP header: Name: X-STRINGEE-AUTH Value: JSON web token (JWT), see StringeeX API REST Authentication
POST data (body):
"name": "Dau Ngoc Huy",
"job_title": "CEO",
"company": null,
"avatar": null,
"about": "mo ta ve huy",
"systemField" : [
"field_value": "84379361752",
"field_key": "phone"
"field_value": "huy@stringee.com",
"field_key": "email"
"customField" : [
"field_value": "Hello world!",
"field_key": "noi-dung"
Field | Type | Require | Description |
name | String | YES | Name of contact |
job_title | String | NO | Job title of contact |
company | String | NO | Company ID of contact |
about | String | NO | About of contact |
systemField | Array | NO | The system fields of contact. To view all system field in your portal: Setting > Field > Contact fields. System field default: email, phone, facebook. |
customField | Array | NO | The system fields of contact. To view all custom field in your portal: Setting > Field > Contact fields. You can add many custom fields. |
"id": "ac_dzwwtspdv1ycig7v",
"r": 0,
"msg": "Success"
URL: https://api.stringeex.com/v1/contact/com_952dg1ihrq7k2ubc
HTTP method: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Custom HTTP header: Name: X-STRINGEE-AUTH Value: JSON web token (JWT), see StringeeX API REST Authentication
PUT data (body):
"name": "Dau Ngoc Huy 2",
"job_title": "CEO1",
"company": "company_1",
"account_manager": "AC1234",
"avatar": null,
"about": "mo ta ve huy 2"
"r": 0,
"msg": "Success"
URL: https://api.stringeex.com/v1/contact/com_952dg1ihrq7k2ubc
Content-Type: application/json
Custom HTTP header: Name: X-STRINGEE-AUTH Value: JSON web token (JWT), see StringeeX API REST Authentication
"r": 0,
"msg": "Delete success"
HTTP method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
Custom HTTP header: Name: X-STRINGEE-AUTH Value: JSON web token (JWT), see StringeeX API REST Authentication