StringeeClientListener class
Represents the event from the StringeeClient.
StringeeClientListener({required this.onConnect, required this.onDisconnect, required this.onFailWithError, required this.onRequestAccessToken, this.onIncomingCall, this.onIncomingCall2, this.onReceiveCustomMessage, this.onChangeEvent, this.onReceiveChatRequest, this.onReceiveTransferChatRequest, this.onChatRequestHandleOnAnotherDevice, this.onTimeoutAnswerChat, this.onTimeoutInQueue, this.onConversationEnded, this.onUserBeginTyping, this.onUserEndTyping})
Create a new StringeeClientListener.
onConnect(StringeeClient stringeeClient, String userId) → void
Invoked when the StringeeClient is connected.
onDisconnect(StringeeClient stringeeClient) → void
Invoked when the StringeeClient is disconnected.
onFailWithError(StringeeClient stringeeClient, int code, String message) → void
Invoked when StringeeClient connect false.
onRequestAccessToken(StringeeClient stringeeClient) → void
Invoked when your token is expired.
onIncomingCall(StringeeClient stringeeClient, StringeeCall stringeeCall) → void
Invoked when receive an incoming of StringeeCall.
onIncomingCall2(StringeeClient stringeeClient, StringeeCall2 stringeeCall2) → void
Invoked when receive an incoming of StringeeCall2.
onReceiveCustomMessage(StringeeClient stringeeClient, String from, Map<dynamic, dynamic> message) → void
Invoked when receive custom message.
Invoked when receive an chat change event.
Invoked when receive a chat request.
Invoked when receive a transfer chat request.
Invoked when chat request to agent is handle on another device.
Invoked when chat request to agent timeout.
onTimeoutInQueue(StringeeClient stringeeClient, String conversationId, String customerId, String customerName) → void
Invoked when no agent accept chat request and time out.
onConversationEnded(StringeeClient stringeeClient, String conversationId, String endedBy) → void
Invoked when conversation end.
onUserBeginTyping(StringeeClient stringeeClient, String conversationId, String userId, String displayName) → void
Invoked when other user send begin typing event.
onUserEndTyping(StringeeClient stringeeClient, String conversationId, String userId, String displayName) → void
Invoked when other user send end typing event.