StringeeMessage class
Represents a message.
StringeeMessage.typeText(StringeeClient client, String text, {Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type text.
StringeeMessage.typePhoto(StringeeClient client, String filePath, {String? thumbnail, double? ratio, Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type photo.
StringeeMessage.typeVideo(StringeeClient client, String filePath, double duration, {String? thumbnail, double? ratio, Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type video.
StringeeMessage.typeAudio(StringeeClient client, String filePath, double duration, {Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type audio.
StringeeMessage.typeFile(StringeeClient client, String filePath, {String? fileName, int? fileLength, Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type file.
StringeeMessage.typeLink(StringeeClient client, String text, {Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type link.
StringeeMessage.typeFile(StringeeClient client, String filePath, {String? fileName, int? fileLength, Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type file.
StringeeMessage.typeLocation(StringeeClient client, double latitude, double longitude, {Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type location.
StringeeMessage.typeContact(StringeeClient client, String vcard, {Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type contact.
StringeeMessage.typeSticker(StringeeClient client, String stickerCategory, String stickerName, {Map<dynamic, dynamic>? customData})
Create a new StringeeMessage type sticker.
id → String?
It's the unique identification of the message on Stringee system.
localId → String?
It's the unique identification of the message on local database.
convId → String?
It's the unique identification of the conversation have this message on Stringee system.
convLocalId → String?
It's the unique identification of the conversation have this message on local database.
It's user send this message.
createdAt → int?
It's the time create the message.
updateAt → int?
It's the time update the message.
sequence → int?
It's sequence of the message.
It's status of the message.
It's type of the message.
text → String?
It's content of the message.
deleted → bool?
Whether the message is deleted:
- true - is deleted.
- false - is not deleted.
thumbnail → String?
It's thumbnail of the file in the photo/video message.
fileUrl → String?
It's url of the file in the photo/video/audio/file message.
longitude → double?
It's longitude of the location in the location message.
latitude → double?
It's latitude of the location in the location message.
fileName → String?
It's name of the file in the file message.
fileLength → int?
It's size of the file in the file message.
duration → double?
It's duration of the video/audio in the video/audio message.
ratio → double?
It's ratio of the video/photo in the video/photo message.
vcard → String?
It's the contact information of the contact message.
stickerCategory → String?
It's category of the sticker in the sticker message.
stickerName → String?
It's name of the sticker in the sticker message.
customData → Map<dynamic, dynamic>?
It's the custom data user send with the message.
notiContent → Map<dynamic, dynamic>?
It's content of the notice in the notification message.
edit(String content) → Map<dynamic, dynamic>
Edit message's content.
pinOrUnPin(bool pinOrUnPin) → Map<dynamic, dynamic>
Pin/Unpin a message.
-true - pin message.
-false - unpin message.