StringeeUser class
Represents a participant.
StringeeUser({required String userId, String? name, String? avatarUrl, int? lastMsgSeqReceived, int? lastMsgSeqSeen,})
Create a new StringeeUser.
StringeeMessage.forUpdate({String? name, String? avatarUrl, String? email, String? phone, String? location, String? browser, String? platform, String? device, String? ipAddress, String? hostName, String? userAgent, int? lastMsgSeqReceived, int? lastMsgSeqSeen,})
Create a new StringeeUser for update user information.
userId → String?
It's the unique identification of the user on Stringee system.
name → String?
It's name of the user.
avatarUrl → String?
It's avatar's url of the user.
It's role of the user in the conversation.
email → String?
It's email of the user.
phone → String?
It's phone number of the user.
location → String?
It's location of the user.
browser → String?
It's browser of the user.
platform → String?
It's platform of the user.
device → String?
It's device of the user.
ipAddress → String?
It's ip address of the user.
hostName → String?
It's host name of the user.
userAgent → String?
It's userAgent of the user.
lastMsgSeqReceived → int?
It's the sequence of the last message which user received.
lastMsgSeqSeen → int?
It's the sequence of the last message which user seen.