StringeeCall2Listener class
Represents the event from the StringeeCall2.
StringeeCall2Listener({required this.onChangeSignalingState, required this.onChangeMediaState, required this.onReceiveCallInfo, required this.onHandleOnAnotherDevice,required this.onReceiveLocalStream,required this.onReceiveRemoteStream, this.onAddVideoTrack, this.onRemoveVideoTrack, this.onTrackMediaStateChange, this.onChangeAudioDevice})
Create a new StringeeCall2Listener.
Invoked when the call's signaling state changes.
Invoked when the call's media state changes.
onReceiveCallInfo(StringeeCall2 stringeeCall2, Map<dynamic, dynamic> callInfo) → void
Invoked when receive call info.
Invoked when an incoming call is handle on another device.
onReceiveLocalStream(StringeeCall2 stringeeCall2) → void
Invoked when local stream in video call is ready to play.
onReceiveRemoteStream(StringeeCall2 stringeeCall2) → void
Invoked when remote stream in video call is ready to play.
Invoked when new video track added to the call.
Invoked when video track removed from the call.
onTrackMediaStateChange(StringeeCall2 stringeeCall2, String from, MediaType mediaType, bool enable) → void
Invoked when receive track media state change event from other user.
onChangeAudioDevice(StringeeCall2 stringeeCall2, AudioDevice selectedAudioDevice, List<AudioDevice> availableAudioDevices) → void
Invoked when the current audio device changes in android.