StringeeConstants class
All enum in Stringee Flutter Plugin.
Type of the chat request.
- normal - Normal chat request.
- transfer - Transferred chat request.
Type of the call.
- appToAppOutgoing - Call is outgoing app to app call.
- appToAppIncoming - Call is incoming app to app call.
- appToPhone - Call is app to phone call.
- phoneToApp - Call is phone to app call.
Type of the audio device
- speakerPhone - Speaker phone of device.
- wiredHeadset - Wired headset of device.
- earpiece - Internal speaker of device.
- bluetooth - Bluetooth headset of device.
- none - None speaker is connected to the device.
State of the signaling.
- calling - Used to specify the call invite is sent to Stringee Server.
- ringing - Used to specify the callee is ringing.
- answered - Used to specify the callee answers the call.
- busy - Used to specify the callee rejects the call.
- ended - Used to specify the call is terminated.
State of the media.
- connected - Used to specify the call media is connected.
- disconnected - Used to specify the call media is disconnected.
Quality of the video.
- normal - The local video's quality is normal.
- hd - The local video's quality is hd.
- fullHd - The local video's quality is full hd.
Type of scaling.
- fit - Stream fit in widget.
- fill - Stream fill in widget.
Chat object type.
Chat change type.
- insert - New objects is created or inserted.
- update - Objects is updated.
- delete - Objects is deleted.
Role of the user in conversation.
- admin - User is admin of conversation.
- member - User is member of conversation.
State of the message.
- initialize - Message was created to send to Stringee server.
- sending - Message is being sent to Stringee server.
- sent - Message is sent to Stringee server.
- delivered - Message is sent to other participants.
- read - Message is read by other participants.
Type of the message.
- text - Text message.
- photo - Photo message.
- video - Video message.
- audio - Audio message.
- file - File message.
- link - Link message.
- createConversation - Message noti create conversation.
- renameConversation - Message noti rename conversation.
- location - Location message.
- contact - Contact message.
- sticker - Sticker message.
- notification - Notification message.
Type of the noti message.
- addParticipants - Notification message noti participants is added.
- removeParticipants - Notification message noti participants is removed.
- changeGroupName - Notification message noti conversation's name is changed.
Dimensions of the video track.
- dimension_1080 - Dimension of video track is 1080.
- dimension_720 - Dimension of video track is 720.
- dimension_480 - Dimension of video track is 480.
- dimension_288 - Dimension of video track is 288.
Channel of the conversation/chat request.
- normal - Normal conversation.
- live_chat - live-chat conversation/chat request.
- facebook - facebook support chat conversation/chat request.
- zalo - zalo support chat conversation/chat request.
Status of chat support conversation.
- current_chat - Current support conversation .
- past_chat - Ended support conversation.
- all - Include current and ended support conversation.
State of chat request.
- accepted - Chat request is accepted.
- rejected - Chat request is rejected.
Type of the media.
- audio - Media is audio.
- video - Media is video.
Type of rate chat.
- bad - Rate chat bad.
- good - Rate chat good.