⚠ Warning
Before using Stringee Call API for the first time, you must have a Stringee account.
If you do not have a Stringee account, sign up for free here: https://developer.stringee.com/account/register
Create a Project on Stringee Dashboard
Buy a Number (optional)
For app-to-phone, phone-to-app calling, buy a Number from Dashboard. If you only need app-to-app calling, skip this step.
Configure answer_url
For more information about answer_url, read Stringee Call API Overview. You can view answer_url sample code here: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/tree/master/answer_url
If you do not have answer_url, you can use the following Project's answer_url to accelerate the process:
Project's answer_url for App-to-App call:
Project's answer_url for App-to-Phone call:
(Source code: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/blob/master/answer_url/php/project_answer_url.php)
When building an application, you should use your own answer_url.
If you do not have answer_url, you can use the following Number's answer_url to accelerate the process:
Number's answer_url for Phone-to-App call (The call is routed to Your App which authenticated by USER_ID):
Number's answer_url for Phone-to-Phone call (The call is routed to TO_NUMBER):
(Source code: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/blob/master/answer_url/php/number_answer_url.php)
In your terminal (Command Prompt in Windows), change into your React Native project's directory
In your terminal (Command Prompt in Windows), run $ npm install stringee-react-native-v2 --save
The Stringee Android SDK requires some permissions from your AndroidManifest
// for internet access
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
// for audio access
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
// for camera access
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
// for bluetooth
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
If your project uses ProGuard, you may have to add the following settings to the ProGuard configuration file to make sure Stringee builds correctly:
in your app/
dir and insert inside:-dontwarn org.webrtc.**
-keep class org.webrtc.** { *; }
-keep class com.stringee.** { *; }
:android {
buildTypes {
release {
useProguard true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
Add volley library
In your file build.gradle
add this line:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.android.volley:volley:1.2.1'
From the command line run following command:
pod install --repo-update
After run cocoapods command, open project file .xcworkspace
In the "Build Settings" tab -> "Other linker flags" add "$(inherited)" flag
In the "Build Settings" tab -> "Enable bitcode" select "NO"
Right-click the information property list file (Info.plist) and select Open As -> Source Code. Then insert the following XML snippet into the body of your file just before the final element:
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses Camera</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses Microphone</string>
In the "Build Settings" tab -> "Allow Non-modular includes in Framework Modules" select "YES"
In order to connect to Stringee Server, 3-parties authentication is required as described here: Client authentication
For testing purpose, go to Dashboard -> Tools -> Generate Access token and generates an access_token. In production, the access_token should be generated by your server, sample code generates access token here: https://github.com/stringeecom/server-samples/tree/master/access_token
Initialize StringeeClient:
import {StringeeClient} from 'stringee-react-native-v2';
const stringeeClient: StringeeClient = new StringeeClient();
Register the client's events
// Listen for the StringeeClient event
const stringeeClientListener: StringeeClientListener = new StringeeClientListener();
// Invoked when the StringeeClient is connected
clientListener.onConnect = (stringeeClient, userId) => {
console.log('onConnect: ', userId);
// Invoked when the StringeeClient is disconnected
clientListener.onDisConnect = (stringeeClient) => {
// Invoked when StringeeClient connect false
clientListener.onFailWithError = (stringeeClient, code, message) => {
console.log('onFailWithError: ', message);
// Invoked when your token is expired
clientListener.onRequestAccessToken = (stringeeClient) => {
// Invoked when receive an incoming of StringeeCall
clientListener.onIncomingCall = (stringeeClient, stringeeCall) => {
console.log('onIncomingCall: ', JSON.stringify(stringeeCall));
// Invoked when receive an incoming of StringeeCall2
clientListener.onIncomingCall2 = (stringeeClient, stringeeCall2) => {
console.log('onIncomingCall2: ', JSON.stringify(stringeeCall2));
token: string = 'PUT YOUR TOKEN HERE'
After the client connects to Stringee server, follows these steps to make a call:
Initialize StringeeCall
import {StringeeCall} from 'stringee-react-native-v2';
stringeeCall: StringeeCall = new StringeeCall({
stringeeClient: stringeeClient, /// stringeeClient using to connect
from: 'caller_userId', /// caller identifier
to: 'callee_userId', /// callee identifier
Register the call's events
// Listen for the StringeeCall event
const stringeeCallListener: StringeeCallListener = new StringeeCallListener();
// Invoked when the call's signaling state changes
stringeeCallListener.onChangeSignalingState = (stringeeCall, signalingState, reason, sipCode, sipReason) => {
console.log('onChangeSignalingState', signalingState);
// Invoked when the call's media state changes
stringeeCallListener.onChangeMediaState = (stringeeCall, mediaState, description) => {
console.log('onChangeMediaState', mediaState);
// Invoked when receive call info
stringeeCallListener.onReceiveCallInfo = (stringeeCall, callInfo) => {
console.log('onReceiveCallInfo', callInfo);
// Invoked when an incoming call is handle on another device
stringeeCallListener.onHandleOnAnotherDevice = (stringeeCall, signalingState, description) => {
console.log('onHandleOnAnotherDevice', signalingState);
// Invoked when local stream in video call is ready to play
stringeeCallListener.onReceiveLocalStream = (stringeeCall) => {
// Invoked when remote stream in video call is ready to play
stringeeCallListener.onReceiveRemoteStream = (stringeeCall) => {
// Invoked when the current audio device changes in android
stringeeCallListener.onAudioDeviceChange = (stringeeCall, selectedAudioDevice, availableAudioDevices) => {
console.log('onAudioDeviceChange', selectedAudioDevice);
Make a call
.then(() => {
console.log('makeCall success');
After the client receives an incoming call from onIncomingCall2(). Following these steps:
Initialize the answer
.then(() => {
console.log('initAnswer success');
.then(() => {
console.log('answer success');
of StringeeCall
to true
stringeeCall.isVideoCall = true;
Receive and display the local video and the remote video
Using our StringeeVideoView
to display the video
// Invoked when local stream in video call is ready to play
stringeeCallListener.onReceiveLocalStream = (stringeeCall) => {
this.setState({hasReceivedLocalStream: true});
// Invoked when remote stream in video call is ready to play
stringeeCallListener.onReceiveRemoteStream = (stringeeCall) => {
this.setState({hasReceivedRemoteStream: true});
render () {
return (
{stringeeCall.isVideoCall &&
this.state.hasReceivedLocalStream && (
{stringeeCall.isVideoCall &&
this.state.hasReceivedRemoteStream && (
style={{flex: 1}}
Hang up a call:
.then(() => {
console.log('hangup success');
Reject a call:
.then(() => {
console.log('reject success');
Mute the local sound:
mute: boolean = true; // true: mute, false: unmute
.then(() => {
console.log('mute success');
Switch to speakerphone or earpiece:
isSpeaker: boolean = true; // true: speakerphone, false: earpiece
.then(() => {
console.log('setSpeakerphoneOn success');
Switch the local camera:
.then(() => {
console.log('switchCamera success');
Turn on/off video:
enableVideo: boolean = true; // true: turn on, false: turn off
.then(() => {
console.log('enableVideo success');
You can view a full version of this sample app on GitHub: https://github.com/stringeecom/react-native-samples/tree/master/CallSampleHook